Monday, December 2, 2013

YouTube Killed The Radio Star

            Today’s music artists are consumed with the struggle as to how to market themselves these days. So many young artists are being forced to make themselves marketable by taking on a face of sexuality. As we saw with the recent Miley Cyrus performance, her over the top show of sexuality and lack of clothing was not taken very well, but some have said that her whole show was completely planned to be over the top. To an extent, it totally worked. Still today people are talking about that performance and the talk the few weeks right after was all about her. The best way for artists to market themselves these days in through their performances. Many country stars are having sold out shows because everyone knows those shows are a giant party. Pink recently just had a performance in D.C where she did an amazing acrobatics performance flying through the air. Pink is another artist who is known for her shows.

            These shows translate into big money for the performers. Think about it; say someone pays one hundred dollars for a ticket to a concert. Then the concert seats three thousand people(which would be a small audience for them), that means that show alone made $300,000. And that doesn’t include sales of t-shirts, DVD’s, and any sorts of concessions. So that includes one show, and these artists are touring the world 8 months out of a year.
            These shows are a huge money makers for performers and I believe the word of mouth marketing they get out of the performances are the best type of advertising they could possibly get. However, many have resorted to endorsements from popular companies. While many would see this as a way of lower their standards, it is making them money and putting their face to a company. If it will advance them by getting their face out there and having more people see them, more power to them. They have to make a living as well so why not make the extra money for themselves while getting advertising time for themselves?

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