News today
is extremely biased. I don’t care what anyone says about in the middle news
stations, no. In some way or another they are biased in either the way they
speak, their demeanor, or what opinions they bring to the table. I watch Bill
O’Reilly and listen to Sean Hannity on the radio all the time. Both are without
doubt right-winged conservatives and make no attempt to hide that fact.
O’Reilly is usually very good at sticking to strictly political arguments and
has a way of getting his point across is a very straight forward sort of
manner. His guests are typically democrats who he likes to sit back and shut
down their opinions on just about every issue he brings about. While he brings
about controversial issues, he allows both sides to make their argument, even
if he is very strong willed in proving the left-winged side wrong. He can
without a doubt be rude in many different ways. He is extremely stubborn and
has no intentions of approaching any sort of issue in a open-minded fashion.
This form of news delivery is very entertaining, especially for a conservative
such as myself. While he is very opinionated, his logic and reasoning is based
on and backed up with truthful facts that he brings to the table.

Hannity is yet another right-winged conservative who is quite stubborn. Hannity
does have a television show, yet I listen to him more on talk radio. He is an
advocate for educating young students interested in political issues. He
recently had a group of college kids on the show discussing foreign affairs.
Hannity is another stubborn broadcaster, yet is more willing to hear opposing
viewpoints. He even advocates that opposing opinions call into the show to try
and contradict what he says. However argument style discussion does tend to
ensue soon after. Hannity is very fact based, he even comes into the show with
studies that have been conducted and asks opinions on them, and follows up with
how he feels on the situation.
Both of
these broadcasters are two of my favorites. I have yet to find an issue I don’t
agree with either of them on, which most likely plays quite a big role in this
decision. I do learn a lot from these two, as they discuss current events and
issues. While they may be biased by being totally right-winged, they make no
effort to try and conceal their opinions as equal minded at all.
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